Minding Your Own Business
So lately I've been really focused on building my brand. And I have to be honest it is NOT easy at all. Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough, then I have to remind myself that less than four months ago I was nowhere near where I am today which makes me appreciate all of the work I've done thus far.
I'm saying all this to say NEVER give up! When I left my job at Nordstrom, I had a lot of people tell me that I was making a terrible mistake to leave a job that was paying me well for some pipe dream.
But to me, my company is much more than that. Instead of viewing it as just some dream that's only tangible when I close my eyes, I started looking at it as an attainable goal that I can reach if I continue to be diligent.
Though I'm still not fully where I want to be with my business, my faith will continue to be strong because I know that my current situation is not my final destination!
Just figured I'd share my story with you guys to let those of you who are going through a similar situation know that you are not alone and YOU CAN DO THIS!
Here is a list of things I do daily to keep myself encouraged:
Write down all dreams, aspirations, goals, and concerns. (Keep it in a journal so you can see how much you've progressed)
Surround yourself with positive people who are following their own dreams.
Read often.
Meditate, self reflect, do yoga.
Write down positive affirmations and keep them in a visible area (bathroom mirror, bedroom door etc.)
Find hobbies that make you happy (I like making collages ☺️)
Have daily conversations with your Creator.
Always express your gratitude for family and friends.
Listen to feel good music (music that makes you smile or want to dance)
NEVER feed into negative energy (when someone tells you "you can't" silently prove to them that you can!)
“Honor the space between no longer and not yet”
Photographer: Shelby Cherie